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Why do you use butyric acid instead of tributyrin?Updated 10 months ago

BodyBio Butyrate is essentially a mixture of butyric acid and certain minerals. In our case, it's either sodium or a duo of calcium and magnesium. You may notice butyric acid, butyrate, and tributyrin in other butyrate supplements. They all aim for the same goal but exhibit different behaviors.

We use butyric acid, a short-chain fatty acid found naturally in butter (which gives it its name). Since it's somewhat acidic, we pair it with an alkali, either sodium or calcium/magnesium. This pairing results in butyrate, a milder version of butyric acid.

Upon consumption, this supplement promptly breaks down in your gut and begins nourishing your gut cells. Additionally, it offers a slight extra dose of minerals, depending on whether you're taking the sodium or the calcium/magnesium version. While most research studies prefer the sodium form of butyrate, we provide the calcium/magnesium form as an alternative for those looking to limit their sodium intake. Both variants are equally efficient.

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