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Is Butyrate enterically coated? How do I know it will reach the gut?Updated 10 months ago

Our butyrate capsules are vegetarian-friendly, crafted from plant-derived cellulose. To ensure the butyrate reaches the colon, where it provides the most potent support for gut cells, the inner powder is given an enteric coating. This strategy shields the butyrate from stomach acid, aiding its successful delivery to the gut.

The enteric coating is achieved using a vegetable fat, often referred to as a medium-chain triglyceride. The rationale for this coating method is to ensure that a considerable portion of the butyrate is only released upon the secretion of lipase, a fat-digesting enzyme, in the duodenum, which is the initial section of the small intestine. This methodical approach aids in optimizing the effectiveness of the butyrate supplement.

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