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Does Butyrate make it to the colon?Updated 10 months ago

Yes, Butyrate is specifically designed to make it to the colon. Extensive research has been conducted on Butyrate, with over 5000 studies investigating its effects. Many of these studies have focused on Sodium Butyrate, which is a form of Butyrate salt similar to BodyBio Sodium Butyrate.

Commercial and prescription-grade Butyrate salts, including BodyBio Butyrate, are often formulated with special coatings or substances that protect the Butyrate from breaking down in the acidic environment of the stomach. These substances, such as hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, are designed to resist degradation and ensure the Butyrate reaches the colon intact.

The purpose of these coatings is to enable the Butyrate to reach the colon, where it can serve as the exclusive energy source for colonocytes, the cells lining the colon. By providing this essential energy source, Butyrate supports the health and function of the colon.

Additionally, medium-chain triglycerides may be used as ancillary substances to assist in the delivery of Butyrate to the colon.

It's important to note that while there is substantial scientific research supporting the use of Butyrate, individual responses may vary. Consulting with a healthcare professional can provide personalized guidance on the appropriate use and dosage of Butyrate for your specific needs.

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