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Are Omega 6’s bad for you?Updated 10 months ago

Oxidized Omega 6's present in heated oils can be detrimental to your health. In contrast, our products incorporate unrefined, non-oxidized Omega 6 from Safflower Oil, which contains essential fatty acids that are critical for the health of our mitochondria and muscular function. Unfortunately, most sources of Omega 6 have become scarce in the USA due to the prevalence of high oleic hybrid oils. Our Omega 6, however, is naturally rich in linoleic acid. The densest sources of linoleic acid can be found in whole organic raw seeds such as sunflower, chia, and pumpkin seeds.

Omega 6 fatty acids transition into the Prostaglandin 1 series (from linoleic to gamma linolenic to dihomogammalinoleic, culminating in PG1, a potent anti-inflammatory Prostaglandin), and Arachidonic acid forms PG2, which triggers certain responses, including inflammation. Arachidonic acid is an essential fatty acid that our body cannot produce, so we need to ingest it through our diet.

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